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Dr. Sebastian Biedenkopf, currently General Counsel of Robert Bosch GmbH, will join the Management Board of Fresenius as Chief Legal and Compliance Officer, and Labor Relations Director, no later than January 1, 2021. He will succeed Dr. Jürgen Götz, who is leaving the company at his own request at the end of June.

Dr. Biedenkopf, 56, has headed the international legal department of the Bosch Group since September 2013. From 2008 until 2012 he held various positions at Conergy AG in Hamburg, lastly as Chief Financial Officer and interim Chief Executive Officer. He holds a doctorate in law and previously served as General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer at Maxingvest AG (formerly Tchibo Holding AG) in Hamburg, and in various positions at the Bertelsmann Group.

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Fresenius, Dr. Gerd Krick, said: “In Dr. Sebastian Biedenkopf we have won a highly experienced, versatile legal expert with profound knowledge in various areas. With his very strongly developed business skills and international outlook, he will make an outstanding fit for Fresenius, and perfectly complement our proven management team. Great thanks go to Dr. Jürgen Götz for the trustful collaboration over many years and his tireless work. Drawing on deep legal expertise, he made important contributions to our successful growth. I respect his wish to pursue other challenges outside of our company after more than 15 years with Fresenius, and in the name of the Supervisory Board I wish him all the best.”

Stephan Sturm, CEO of Fresenius, said: “Dr. Sebastian Biedenkopf has, in various capacities, helped shape strategies, and will bring many new ideas and perspectives to Fresenius. I am very pleased that I will be working with him, and I am convinced that with his know-how in the Legal and Human Resources areas, as well as company management, he will make an ideal addition to our Management Board. In his new role he will be able to build on what his successor accomplished over the years: I want to thank Jürgen Götz for the always trustful and very collegial collaboration. On behalf of the Management Board and all the employees, I wish him all the best.”

Dr. Sebastian Biedenkopf said: “During the discussions in recent weeks, I have gotten to know Fresenius as a superbly positioned company with an impressive culture. I am very much looking forward to putting my experience and knowledge to work here, and having this opportunity to contribute to the continued successful development of Fresenius.” 

  • Fresenius Medical Care with strong sales growth in Q1
  • Fresenius Kabi with expected dip in China partially offset by spike in demand for drugs and devices for COVID-19 patients in Europe and the US
  • Helios Germany supported by law to ease financial burden on hospitals
  • Helios Spain’s significant contribution to combat COVID-19 faces reimbursement uncertainties
  • Fresenius Vamed with solid Q1, however already marked by COVID-19 related post-acute patient losses and project delays
  • Original guidance for 2020 excluding any effects of the COVID-19 pandemic maintained; Guidance update to include COVID-19 effects expected with Q2/20 financial results
  • Group financial position remains strong

If no timeframe is specified, information refers to Q1/2020

2020 and 2019 according to IFRS 16


1 Not comparable to FY/20 guidance as inclusive of COVID-19 effects


2 Before special items

3 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA

For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


Stephan Sturm, CEO of Fresenius, said: “The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for Fresenius. We are doing everything we can to continue providing the best possible care for our patients around the world. The last few weeks have shown that we have a crucial role to play in the health care systems around the world, and never more so than at a time of crisis. Our success to date is due, above all, to the tremendous dedication and commitment of our employees. Our solid first-quarter business results demonstrate the resilience of our operations and business models. It is, however, too early to say with any certainty what impact COVID-19 will have on the company’s full business year. What can be said with certainty is that we will keep working hard for our patients, and will continue to make an important contribution to overcoming this pandemic.”

Group guidance for FY/20 – Impact of COVID-19 on outlook cannot be reliably assessed at this time

Fresenius’ FY guidance published on February 20, 2020 did not take into account effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. It projected sales growth1 of 4% to 7% in constant currency and net income growth2,3 of 1% to 5% in constant currency. Fresenius anticipates that, following the solid start to the year, COVID-19 will continue to impact its business; at this time, however, a reliable assessment and quantification of the positive and negative effects is not possible. The Group hence maintains its original guidance, excluding any COVID-19 effects. Fresenius will revisit this guidance when communicating its Q2/20 results with the aim to incorporate a reliable assessment of COVID-19 effects.

This approach also applies for the Group’s net debt/EBITDA target. The original guidance, excluding effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, projects net debt/EBITDA4 to be towards the top-end of the self-imposed target corridor of 3.0x to 3.5x at the end of 2020.

Fresenius expects to see a more pronounced negative COVID-19 effect on its financial results in the second quarter than in the first quarter of 2020.


7% sales growth in constant currency

Group sales increased by 8% (7% in constant currency) to €9,135 million in Q1/20 (Q1/19: €8,495 million) driven by all business segments. COVID-19 had only a slight negative effect on sales growth. Organic sales growth was 5%. Acquisitions/divestitures contributed net 2% to growth. Positive currency translation effects of 1% were mainly driven by the U.S. dollar strengthening against the euro.

1 FY/19 base: €35,409 million

2 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA

3 FY/19 base: €1,879 million; before special items (transaction-related expenses, revaluations of biosimilars contingent purchase price liabilities, gain related to divestitures of Care Coordination activities at FMC, expenses associated with the cost optimization program at FMC); FY/20: before special items

4 Both net debt and EBITDA calculated at expected annual average exchange rates; excluding further potential acquisitions

For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


1% net income1,2 growth in constant currency

Group EBITDA increased by 3% (2% in constant currency) to €1,755 million (Q1/191: €1,701 million).

Group EBIT remained on prior year’s level (-2% in constant currency) at €1,125 million (Q1/191: €1,130 million), impacted by negative COVID-19 effects. At Fresenius Kabi additional demand for drugs and devices to treat COVID-19 patients late in the quarter only partially offset the anticipated headwinds in China during most of the quarter. Helios Spain also faced very significant negative COVID-19 effects in March, mainly at its private hospital and ORP businesses. The EBIT margin was 12.3% (Q1/191: 13.3%).

Group net interest before special items improved to -€174 million in Q1/20 (Q1/19: -€181 million) mainly due to successful refinancing activities. Reported Group net interest improved to -€182 million (Q1/19: -€184 million).

The Group tax rate before special items was 22.6% (Q1/19: 23.3%). The reported Group tax rate was 22.6% (Q1/19: 23.3%).

Noncontrolling interest before special items was -€271 million (Q1/19: -€271 million), of which 96% was attributable to the noncontrolling interest in Fresenius Medical Care. Reported Group noncontrolling interest was -€271 million (Q1/19: -€261 million).

1 Before special items

2 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA

For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


Group net income1 before special items increased by 2% (1% in constant currency) to €465 million (Q1/19: €457 million). Reported Group net income1 was €459 million (Q1/19: €453 million). COVID-19 had a significant negative effect on net income growth.

Earnings per share1 before special items increased by 1% (1% in constant currency) to €0.83 (Q1/19: €0.82). Reported earnings per share1 were €0.82 (Q1/19: €0.81).


Continued investment in growth

Spending on property, plant and equipment was €547 million corresponding to 6% of sales (Q1/19: €441 million; 5% of sales). The investments in Q1/20 served primarily for the modernization and expansion of dialysis clinics, production facilities as well as hospitals, and day clinics. Subject to duration and magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fresenius may face delays of investment projects planned for 2020.

Total acquisition spending was €412 million (Q1/19: €1,923 million), mainly for the acquisition of two hospitals in Colombia by Fresenius Helios.


Cash flow development

Group operating cash flow increased to €878 million (Q1/19: €289 million) with a margin of 9.6% (Q1/19: 3.4%). Growth was driven by a favorable working capital development at both Fresenius Medical Care and Fresenius Kabi. Free cash flow before acquisitions and dividends was €305 million (Q1/19: -€168 million). Free cash flow after acquisitions and dividends was -€40 million (Q1/19: -€2,111 million, driven by the acquisition of NxStage by Fresenius Medical Care).

1 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA

For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


Solid balance sheet structure

Group total assets increased by 3% (3% in constant currency) to €68,972 million (Dec. 31, 2019: €67,006 million). Current assets increased by 7% (8% in constant currency) to €16,341 million (Dec. 31, 2019: €15,264 million). Non-current assets increased by 2% (1% in constant currency) to €52,631 million (Dec. 31, 2019: €51,742 million).

Total shareholders’ equity increased by 1% (1% in constant currency) to €26,956 million (Dec. 31, 2019: €26,580 million). The equity ratio was 39.1%.

Group debt increased by 5% (4% in constant currency) to €28,557 million (Dec. 31, 2019: € 27,258 million). Group net debt increased by 4% (3% in constant currency) to € 26,529 million (Dec. 31, 2019: € 25,604 million) driven by the closing of two hospital acquisitions in Colombia by Fresenius Helios and execution of the share buy-back program at Fresenius Medical Care as well as currency translation effects.

As of March 31, 2020, the net debt/EBITDA ratio increased to 3.68x1,2 (Dec. 31, 2019: 3.61x1,2) mainly due to the acquisitions made by Fresenius Helios, the share-buy back program at Fresenius Medical Care and negative COVID-19 effects on EBITDA.

1 At LTM average exchange rates for both net debt and EBITDA; pro forma closed acquisitions/divestitures

2 Before special items

For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


Business Segments

Fresenius Medical Care (Financial data according to Fresenius Medical Care press release)

Fresenius Medical Care is the world's largest provider of products and services for individuals with renal diseases. As of March 31, 2020, Fresenius Medical Care was treating 348,703 patients in 4,002 dialysis clinics. Along with its core business, the company provides related medical services in the field of Care Coordination.


  • 9% revenue increase supported by growth in all regions
  • Solid cash-flow development
  • Financial targets confirmed

Fresenius Medical Care increased sales by 9% (7% in constant currency) to €4,488 million (Q1/19: €4,133 million). Organic sales growth was 4%. Positive currency translation effects of 2% were mainly related to the U.S. dollar strengthening against the euro.

Reported EBIT increased by 3% (1% in constant currency) to €555 million (Q1/19: €537 million) mainly driven by a favorable impact from higher treatment volume and lower costs for pharmaceuticals. The reported EBIT margin was 12.4% (Q1/19: 13.0%). The decrease in margin was largely due to the unfavorable COVID-19 pandemic effect and the prior year reduction of a contingent consideration liability related to Xenios. EBIT on an adjusted basis was flat (decreased by 3% in constant currency) at €555 million (Q1/19: €557 million). The EBIT margin on an adjusted basis was 12.4% (Q1/19: 13.5%).

Reported net income2 grew by 4% (2% in constant currency) to €283 million (Q1/19: 271 million) and decreased on an adjusted basis by 1% (-3% in constant currency) to €283 million (Q1/19: €286 million).

Operating cash flow was €584 million (Q1/19: €76 million) with a margin of 13.0% (Q1/19: 1.8%). The increase was largely driven by working capital improvement, including a positive effect from cash collections, timing of payments and change in year over year inventory levels.

Fresenius Medical Care’s FY guidance published on February 20, 2020 did not take into account COVID-19 effects. Since it is too early to reliably assess and quantify the positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company confirms its 2020 outlook of expected sales3 and net income2,4 growth both within a mid to high single digit percentage range in constant currency. These targets are based on the adjusted results 2019 including the effects of the operations of the NxStage acquisition and the IFRS 16 implementation.

For further information, please see Fresenius Medical Care’s press release at

1 Q1/19 before special

2 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA

3 FY/19 base: €17,477 million

4 FY/19 base: €1,236 million (FY/20: before special items)

For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


Fresenius Kabi

Fresenius Kabi offers intravenously administered generic drugs, clinical nutrition and infusion therapies for seriously and chronically ill patients in the hospital and outpatient environments. The company is also a leading supplier of medical devices and transfusion technology products. In the biosimilars business, Fresenius Kabi develops products with a focus on oncology and autoimmune diseases.


  • Insignificant COVID-19 effect on sales growth, moderate negative effect on EBIT growth
  • Anticipated softer demand in China during most of Q1/20 due to fewer elective surgeries followed by gradual resumption towards normal operations late in the quarter
  • Increased demand for essential drugs and devices for the treatment of COVID-19 patients in North America and Europe late in Q1/20
  • No major interruption at any production site

Fresenius Kabi increased sales by 5% (6% in constant currency) to €1,789 million (Q1/19: €1,701 million). Organic sales growth was 6%. Negative currency translation effects of 1% were mainly related to weakness of the Argentinian peso and the Brazilian real.

Sales in North America increased by 7% (organic growth: 5%) to  €669 million (Q1/19: €623 million). Sales in Europe grew by 10% (organic growth: 10%) to €631 million (Q1/19: €573 million). In both regions, sales were driven by a spike of demand for sedation drugs, pain killers and infusion pumps starting late in Q1/20.

Sales in Asia-Pacific decreased by 6% (organic growth: -6%) to €319 million (Q1/19: €341 million). As anticipated, softer demand for clinical nutrition products and IV drugs in China was driven by the COVID-19 related postponement of elective treatments.

Sales in Latin America/Africa increased by 4% (organic growth: 16%) to €170 million (Q1/19: €164 million).

EBIT before special items decreased by 5% (-5% in constant currency) to €289 million (Q1/191: €304 million) with an EBIT margin of 16.2% (Q1/191: 17.9%). The COVID-19 pandemic had a moderate net negative effect on EBIT.

Net income1,2 decreased by 2% (-3% in constant currency) to €197 million (Q1/19: €202 million).

Operating cash flow was €174 million (Q1/19: €145 million) with a margin of 9.7% (Q1/19: 8.5%), driven by an improved working capital position.

Since it is too early to reliably assess and quantify the positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fresenius Kabi maintains its 2020 outlook of expected organic sales3 growth of 3% to 6% and an EBIT4 development of -4% to 0% in constant currency, excluding any effects from COVID-19.

1 Before special items

2 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA

3 FY/19 base: €6,919 million

4 FY/19 base: €1,205 million, before special items, FY/20: before special items

For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


Fresenius Helios

Fresenius Helios is Europe's leading private hospital operator. The company comprises Helios Germany and Helios Spain (Quirónsalud). Helios Germany operates 86 hospitals, ~125 outpatient centers and 7 prevention centers. Quirónsalud operates 46 hospitals, 72 outpatient centers and around 300 occupational risk prevention centers. In addition, the company is active in Latin America with 6 hospitals and as a provider of medical diagnostics.


  • Strong business development in January and February; from March, postponement and cancellation of elective treatments
  • Excluding slight negative COVID-19 effect, Q1/20 sales growth moderately above outlook range; significant negative COVID-19 effect on EBIT
  • Law to ease financial burden on hospitals to offset large part of COVID-19 related sales losses and cost increases in Germany
  • Some remaining uncertainties regarding the compensation of Spanish hospitals for their efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

Fresenius Helios increased sales by 7% (organic growth: 5%) to €2,466 million (Q1/19: €2,311 million).

Sales of Helios Germany increased by 8% (organic growth: 8%) to €1,603 million (Q1/19: €1,485 million). Organic sales growth was positively influenced by pricing effects and admissions growth in January and February. From March, COVID-19 had an insignificant net effect as foregone sales from elective admissions were largely offset by the law to ease the financial burden on hospitals.

Sales of Helios Spain increased by 4% (organic growth: 1%) to €863 million (Q1/19: €826 million) driven by the recent hospital acquisitions in Colombia. COVID-19 related foregone elective surgeries significantly weighed on organic sales growth from March.

EBIT of Fresenius Helios increased by 2% to €274 million (Q1/19: €268 million) with an EBIT margin of 11.1% (Q1/19: 11.6%).

EBIT of Helios Germany increased by 11% to €165 million (Q1/19: €149 million) with an EBIT margin of 10.3% (Q1/19: 10.0%). EBIT was positively influenced by pricing effects and admissions growth in January and February. From March, COVID-19 had an insignificant net effect as foregone EBIT from elective admissions was largely offset by the law to ease the financial burden on hospitals.

EBIT of Helios Spain decreased by 7% to €112 million (Q1/19: €121 million) with an EBIT margin of 13.0% (Q1/19: 14.6%). January and February showed positive admission growth. From March, COVID-19 had a very significant negative effect on EBIT as foregone elective treatments met higher costs amidst the comprehensive efforts to combat the pandemic.

Net income1 increased by 1% to €176 million (Q1/19: €174 million).

Operating cash flow increased to €145 million (Q1/19: €103 million) with a margin of 5.9% (Q1/19: 4.5%), driven by a good operating performance in both regions.

Since it is too early to reliably assess and quantify the positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fresenius Helios maintains its 2020 outlook of expected organic sales2 growth of 3% to 6% and EBIT3 growth of 3% to 7% in constant currency, excluding any effects from COVID-19.

1 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA

2 FY/19 base: €9,234 million

3 FY/19 base: €1,025 million


Fresenius Vamed

Fresenius Vamed manages projects and provides services for hospitals and other health care facilities worldwide and is a leading post-acute care provider in Central Europe. The portfolio ranges along the entire value chain: from project development, planning, and turnkey construction, via maintenance and technical management to total operational management.


  • Both project and service business contributing to organic sales growth of 10%
  • Slight negative COVID-19 effect on sales, very significant negative effect on EBIT growth
  • Post-acute care services impacted by COVID-19 related postponements of elective surgeries and health authority enforced closures of rehabilitation clinics; technical services insignificantly impacted by COVID-19
  • Further COVID-19 related delays of project business orders and execution expected throughout 2020

Fresenius Vamed increased sales by 13% to €499 million (Q1/19: €440 million). Organic sales growth was 10%. Acquisitions contributed 3% to growth. Both service and project business showed strong growth momentum. COVID-19 had only a slight negative effect on sales.

Sales in the service business grew by 8% to €357 million (Q1/19: €332 million). Sales of the project business increased by 31% to €142 million (Q1/19: €108 million).

EBIT increased by 17% to €14 million (Q1/19: €12 million) with an EBIT margin of 2.8% (Q1/19: 2.7%). COVID-19 had a very significant negative effect on EBIT growth. Capacities in the post-acute care clinics were left idle given a generally lower intake of elective surgery patients from acute-care hospitals as well as authority-instigated restrictions or even closures of individual facilities.

Net income1 increased by 17% to €7 million (Q1/19: €6 million).

Order intake was €124 million (Q1/19: €383 million). Order intake in the prior year was exceptionally strong. As of March 31, 2020, order backlog was at €2,846 million (December 31, 2019: €2,865 million) and already marked by COVID-19 related project delays.

Operating cash flow decreased to -€20 million (Q1/19: -€15 million) with a margin of
-4.0% (Q1/19: -3.4%), given continuing phasing effects, some delays in the international project business as well as working capital build-ups.

Since it is too early to reliably assess and quantify the positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fresenius Vamed maintains its 2020 outlook of expected organic sales2 growth of 4% to 7% and EBIT3 growth of 5% to 9% in constant currency, excluding any effects from COVID-19.

1 Net income attributable to shareholders of VAMED AG

2 FY/19 base: €2,206 million

3 FY/19 base: €134 million


Conference Call

As part of the publication of the results for Q1 2020, a conference call will be held on May 6, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. CEDT (7:30 a.m. EDT). All investors are cordially invited to follow the conference call in a live broadcast over the Internet at Following the call, a replay will be available on our website.

For additional information on the performance indicators used please refer to our website





This release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Future results could differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements due to certain factors, e.g. changes in business, economic and competitive conditions, regulatory reforms, results of clinical trials, foreign exchange rate fluctuations, uncertainties in litigation or investigative proceedings, and the availability of financing. Fresenius does not undertake any responsibility to update the forward-looking statements in this release.

  • Fresenius Medical Care with strong sales growth in Q1
  • Fresenius Kabi with expected dip in China partially offset by spike in demand for drugs and devices for COVID-19 patients in Europe and the US
  • Helios Germany supported by law to ease financial burden on hospitals
  • Helios Spain’s significant contribution to combat COVID-19 faces reimbursement uncertainties
  • Fresenius Vamed with solid Q1, however already marked by COVID-19 related post-acute patient losses and project delays
  • Original guidance for 2020 excluding any effects of the COVID-19 pandemic maintained; Guidance update to include COVID-19 effects expected with Q2/20 financial results
  • Group financial position remains strong

If no timeframe is specified, information refers to Q1/2020

2020 and 2019 according to IFRS 16

FSE Q1 20 Table

1 Not comparable to FY/20 guidance as inclusive of COVID-19 effects

2 Before special items

3 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA


For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


Stephan Sturm, CEO of Fresenius, said: “The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for Fresenius. We are doing everything we can to continue providing the best possible care for our patients around the world. The last few weeks have shown that we have a crucial role to play in the health care systems around the world, and never more so than at a time of crisis. Our success to date is due, above all, to the tremendous dedication and commitment of our employees. Our solid first-quarter business results demonstrate the resilience of our operations and business models. It is, however, too early to say with any certainty what impact COVID-19 will have on the company’s full business year. What can be said with certainty is that we will keep working hard for our patients, and will continue to make an important contribution to overcoming this pandemic.”

Group guidance for FY/20 – Impact of COVID-19 on outlook cannot be reliably assessed at this time

Fresenius’ FY guidance published on February 20, 2020 did not take into account effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. It projected sales growth1 of 4% to 7% in constant currency and net income growth2,3 of 1% to 5% in constant currency. Fresenius anticipates that, following the solid start to the year, COVID-19 will continue to impact its business; at this time, however, a reliable assessment and quantification of the positive and negative effects is not possible. The Group hence maintains its original guidance, excluding any COVID-19 effects. Fresenius will revisit this guidance when communicating its Q2/20 results with the aim to incorporate a reliable assessment of COVID-19 effects.

This approach also applies for the Group’s net debt/EBITDA target. The original guidance, excluding effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, projects net debt/EBITDA4 to be towards the top-end of the self-imposed target corridor of 3.0x to 3.5x at the end of 2020.

Fresenius expects to see a more pronounced negative COVID-19 effect on its financial results in the second quarter than in the first quarter of 2020.

1 FY/19 base: €35,409 million

2 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA

3 FY/19 base: €1,879 million; before special items (transaction-related expenses, revaluations of biosimilars contingent purchase price liabilities, gain related to divestitures of Care Coordination activities at FMC, expenses associated with the cost optimization program at FMC); FY/20: before special items

4 Both net debt and EBITDA calculated at expected annual average exchange rates; excluding further potential acquisitions


For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


7% sales growth in constant currency

Group sales increased by 8% (7% in constant currency) to €9,135 million in Q1/20 (Q1/19: €8,495 million) driven by all business segments. COVID-19 had only a slight negative effect on sales growth. Organic sales growth was 5%. Acquisitions/divestitures contributed net 2% to growth. Positive currency translation effects of 1% were mainly driven by the U.S. dollar strengthening against the euro.

1% net income1,2 growth in constant currency

Group EBITDA increased by 3% (2% in constant currency) to €1,755 million (Q1/191: €1,701 million).

Group EBIT remained on prior year’s level (-2% in constant currency) at €1,125 million (Q1/191: €1,130 million), impacted by negative COVID-19 effects. At Fresenius Kabi additional demand for drugs and devices to treat COVID-19 patients late in the quarter only partially offset the anticipated headwinds in China during most of the quarter. Helios Spain also faced very significant negative COVID-19 effects in March, mainly at its private hospital and ORP businesses. The EBIT margin was 12.3% (Q1/191: 13.3%).

Group net interest before special items improved to -€174 million in Q1/20 (Q1/19: -€181 million) mainly due to successful refinancing activities. Reported Group net interest improved to -€182 million (Q1/19: -€184 million).

The Group tax rate before special items was 22.6% (Q1/19: 23.3%). The reported Group tax rate was 22.6% (Q1/19: 23.3%).

Noncontrolling interest before special items was -€271 million (Q1/19: -€271 million), of which 96% was attributable to the noncontrolling interest in Fresenius Medical Care. Reported Group noncontrolling interest was -€271 million (Q1/19: -€261 million).

1 Before special items

2 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA


For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


Group net income1 before special items increased by 2% (1% in constant currency) to €465 million (Q1/19: €457 million). Reported Group net income1 was €459 million (Q1/19: €453 million). COVID-19 had a significant negative effect on net income growth.

Earnings per share1 before special items increased by 1% (1% in constant currency) to €0.83 (Q1/19: €0.82). Reported earnings per share1 were €0.82 (Q1/19: €0.81).


Continued investment in growth

Spending on property, plant and equipment was €547 million corresponding to 6% of sales (Q1/19: €441 million; 5% of sales). The investments in Q1/20 served primarily for the modernization and expansion of dialysis clinics, production facilities as well as hospitals, and day clinics. Subject to duration and magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fresenius may face delays of investment projects planned for 2020.

Total acquisition spending was €412 million (Q1/19: €1,923 million), mainly for the acquisition of two hospitals in Colombia by Fresenius Helios.


Cash flow development

Group operating cash flow increased to €878 million (Q1/19: €289 million) with a margin of 9.6% (Q1/19: 3.4%). Growth was driven by a favorable working capital development at both Fresenius Medical Care and Fresenius Kabi. Free cash flow before acquisitions and dividends was €305 million (Q1/19: -€168 million). Free cash flow after acquisitions and dividends was -€40 million (Q1/19: -€2,111 million, driven by the acquisition of NxStage by Fresenius Medical Care).

1 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA


For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


Solid balance sheet structure

Group total assets increased by 3% (3% in constant currency) to €68,972 million (Dec. 31, 2019: €67,006 million). Current assets increased by 7% (8% in constant currency) to €16,341 million (Dec. 31, 2019: €15,264 million). Non-current assets increased by 2% (1% in constant currency) to €52,631 million (Dec. 31, 2019: €51,742 million).

Total shareholders’ equity increased by 1% (1% in constant currency) to €26,956 million (Dec. 31, 2019: €26,580 million). The equity ratio was 39.1%.

Group debt increased by 5% (4% in constant currency) to €28,557 million (Dec. 31, 2019: €?27,258 million). Group net debt increased by 4% (3% in constant currency) to €?26,529 million (Dec. 31, 2019: €?25,604 million) driven by the closing of two hospital acquisitions in Colombia by Fresenius Helios and execution of the share buy-back program at Fresenius Medical Care as well as currency translation effects.

As of March 31, 2020, the net debt/EBITDA ratio increased to 3.68x1,2 (Dec. 31, 2019: 3.61x1,2) mainly due to the acquisitions made by Fresenius Helios, the share-buy back program at Fresenius Medical Care and negative COVID-19 effects on EBITDA.

1 At LTM average exchange rates for both net debt and EBITDA; pro forma closed acquisitions/divestitures

2 Before special items


For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.

Increased number of employees
As of March 31, 2020, the number of employees was 299,594 (Dec. 31, 2019: 294,134).

Business Segments
Fresenius Medical Care (Financial data according to Fresenius Medical Care press release)

Fresenius Medical Care is the world's largest provider of products and services for individuals with renal diseases. As of March 31, 2020, Fresenius Medical Care was treating 348,703 patients in 4,002 dialysis clinics. Along with its core business, the company provides related medical services in the field of Care Coordination.

FMC Q1 20 Table

  • 9% revenue increase supported by growth in all regions
  • Solid cash-flow development
  • Financial targets confirmed

Fresenius Medical Care increased sales by 9% (7% in constant currency) to €4,488 million (Q1/19: €4,133 million). Organic sales growth was 4%. Positive currency translation effects of 2% were mainly related to the U.S. dollar strengthening against the euro.

Reported EBIT increased by 3% (1% in constant currency) to €555 million (Q1/19: €537 million) mainly driven by a favorable impact from higher treatment volume and lower costs for pharmaceuticals. The reported EBIT margin was 12.4% (Q1/19: 13.0%). The decrease in margin was largely due to the unfavorable COVID-19 pandemic effect and the prior year reduction of a contingent consideration liability related to Xenios. EBIT on an adjusted basis was flat (decreased by 3% in constant currency) at €555 million (Q1/19: €557 million). The EBIT margin on an adjusted basis was 12.4% (Q1/19: 13.5%).

1 Q1/19 before special

2 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA


For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


Reported net income1 grew by 4% (2% in constant currency) to €283 million (Q1/19: 271 million) and decreased on an adjusted basis by 1% (-3% in constant currency) to €283 million (Q1/19: €286 million).

Operating cash flow was €584 million (Q1/19: €76 million) with a margin of 13.0% (Q1/19: 1.8%). The increase was largely driven by working capital improvement, including a positive effect from cash collections, timing of payments and change in year over year inventory levels.

Fresenius Medical Care’s FY guidance published on February 20, 2020 did not take into account COVID-19 effects. Since it is too early to reliably assess and quantify the positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company confirms its 2020 outlook of expected sales2 and net income1,3 growth both within a mid to high single digit percentage range in constant currency. These targets are based on the adjusted results 2019 including the effects of the operations of the NxStage acquisition and the IFRS 16 implementation.

For further information, please see Fresenius Medical Care’s press release at

1 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA

2 FY/19 base: €17,477 million

3 FY/19 base: €1,236 million (FY/20: before special items)


For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


Fresenius Kabi
Fresenius Kabi offers intravenously administered generic drugs, clinical nutrition and infusion therapies for seriously and chronically ill patients in the hospital and outpatient environments. The company is also a leading supplier of medical devices and transfusion technology products. In the biosimilars business, Fresenius Kabi develops products with a focus on oncology and autoimmune diseases.

Kabi Q1 20 Table

  • Insignificant COVID-19 effect on sales growth, moderate negative effect on EBIT growth
  • Anticipated softer demand in China during most of Q1/20 due to fewer elective surgeries followed by gradual resumption towards normal operations late in the quarter
  • Increased demand for essential drugs and devices for the treatment of COVID-19 patients in North America and Europe late in Q1/20
  • No major interruption at any production site

Fresenius Kabi increased sales by 5% (6% in constant currency) to €1,789 million (Q1/19: €1,701 million). Organic sales growth was 6%. Negative currency translation effects of 1% were mainly related to weakness of the Argentinian peso and the Brazilian real.

Sales in North America increased by 7% (organic growth: 5%) to  €669 million (Q1/19: €623 million). Sales in Europe grew by 10% (organic growth: 10%) to €631 million (Q1/19: €573 million). In both regions, sales were driven by a spike of demand for sedation drugs, pain killers and infusion pumps starting late in Q1/20.

Sales in Asia-Pacific decreased by 6% (organic growth: -6%) to €319 million (Q1/19: €341 million). As anticipated, softer demand for clinical nutrition products and IV drugs in China was driven by the COVID-19 related postponement of elective treatments.

Sales in Latin America/Africa increased by 4% (organic growth: 16%) to €170 million (Q1/19: €164 million).

1 Before special items

2 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA


For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


EBIT before special items decreased by 5% (-5% in constant currency) to €289 million (Q1/191: €304 million) with an EBIT margin of 16.2% (Q1/191: 17.9%). The COVID-19 pandemic had a moderate net negative effect on EBIT.

Net income1,2 decreased by 2% (-3% in constant currency) to €197 million (Q1/19: €202 million).

Operating cash flow was €174 million (Q1/19: €145 million) with a margin of 9.7% (Q1/19: 8.5%), driven by an improved working capital position.

Since it is too early to reliably assess and quantify the positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fresenius Kabi maintains its 2020 outlook of expected organic sales3 growth of 3% to 6% and an EBIT4 development of -4% to 0% in constant currency, excluding any effects from COVID-19.

1 Before special items

2 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA

3 FY/19 base: €6,919 million

4 FY/19 base: €1,205 million, before special items, FY/20: before special items


For a detailed overview of special items please see the reconciliation tables on pages 17-18 of the PDF document.


Fresenius Helios
Fresenius Helios is Europe's leading private hospital operator. The company comprises Helios Germany and Helios Spain (Quirónsalud). Helios Germany operates 86 hospitals, ~125 outpatient centers and 7 prevention centers. Quirónsalud operates 46 hospitals, 72 outpatient centers and around 300 occupational risk prevention centers. In addition, the company is active in Latin America with 6 hospitals and as a provider of medical diagnostics.

Helios Q1 20 Table

  • Strong business development in January and February; from March, postponement and cancellation of elective treatments
  • Excluding slight negative COVID-19 effect, Q1/20 sales growth moderately above outlook range; significant negative COVID-19 effect on EBIT
  • Law to ease financial burden on hospitals to offset large part of COVID-19 related sales losses and cost increases in Germany
  • Some remaining uncertainties regarding the compensation of Spanish hospitals for their efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

Fresenius Helios increased sales by 7% (organic growth: 5%) to €2,466 million (Q1/19: €2,311 million).

Sales of Helios Germany increased by 8% (organic growth: 8%) to €1,603 million (Q1/19: €1,485 million). Organic sales growth was positively influenced by pricing effects and admissions growth in January and February. From March, COVID-19 had an insignificant net effect as foregone sales from elective admissions were largely offset by the law to ease the financial burden on hospitals.

Sales of Helios Spain increased by 4% (organic growth: 1%) to €863 million (Q1/19: €826 million) driven by the recent hospital acquisitions in Colombia. COVID-19 related foregone elective surgeries significantly weighed on organic sales growth from March.

EBIT of Fresenius Helios increased by 2% to €274 million (Q1/19: €268 million) with an EBIT margin of 11.1% (Q1/19: 11.6%).

1 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA


EBIT of Helios Germany increased by 11% to €165 million (Q1/19: €149 million) with an EBIT margin of 10.3% (Q1/19: 10.0%). EBIT was positively influenced by pricing effects and admissions growth in January and February. From March, COVID-19 had an insignificant net effect as foregone EBIT from elective admissions was largely offset by the law to ease the financial burden on hospitals.

EBIT of Helios Spain decreased by 7% to €112 million (Q1/19: €121 million) with an EBIT margin of 13.0% (Q1/19: 14.6%). January and February showed positive admission growth. From March, COVID-19 had a very significant negative effect on EBIT as foregone elective treatments met higher costs amidst the comprehensive efforts to combat the pandemic.

Net income1 increased by 1% to €176 million (Q1/19: €174 million).

Operating cash flow increased to €145 million (Q1/19: €103 million) with a margin of 5.9% (Q1/19: 4.5%), driven by a good operating performance in both regions.

Since it is too early to reliably assess and quantify the positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fresenius Helios maintains its 2020 outlook of expected organic sales2 growth of 3% to 6% and EBIT3 growth of 3% to 7% in constant currency, excluding any effects from COVID-19.

1 Net income attributable to shareholders of Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA

2 FY/19 base: €9,234 million

3 FY/19 base: €1,025 million


Fresenius Vamed
Fresenius Vamed manages projects and provides services for hospitals and other health care facilities worldwide and is a leading post-acute care provider in Central Europe. The portfolio ranges along the entire value chain: from project development, planning, and turnkey construction, via maintenance and technical management to total operational management.

Vamed Q1 20 Table

  • Both project and service business contributing to organic sales growth of 10%
  • Slight negative COVID-19 effect on sales, very significant negative effect on EBIT growth
  • Post-acute care services impacted by COVID-19 related postponements of elective surgeries and health authority enforced closures of rehabilitation clinics; technical services insignificantly impacted by COVID-19
  • Further COVID-19 related delays of project business orders and execution expected throughout 2020

Fresenius Vamed increased sales by 13% to €499 million (Q1/19: €440 million). Organic sales growth was 10%. Acquisitions contributed 3% to growth. Both service and project business showed strong growth momentum. COVID-19 had only a slight negative effect on sales.

Sales in the service business grew by 8% to €357 million (Q1/19: €332 million). Sales of the project business increased by 31% to €142 million (Q1/19: €108 million).

EBIT increased by 17% to €14 million (Q1/19: €12 million) with an EBIT margin of 2.8% (Q1/19: 2.7%). COVID-19 had a very significant negative effect on EBIT growth. Capacities in the post-acute care clinics were left idle given a generally lower intake of elective surgery patients from acute-care hospitals as well as authority-instigated restrictions or even closures of individual facilities.

1 Net income attributable to shareholders of VAMED AG


Net income1 increased by 17% to €7 million (Q1/19: €6 million).

Order intake was €124 million (Q1/19: €383 million). Order intake in the prior year was exceptionally strong. As of March 31, 2020, order backlog was at €2,846 million (December 31, 2019: €2,865 million) and already marked by COVID-19 related project delays.

Operating cash flow decreased to -€20 million (Q1/19: -€15 million) with a margin of
-4.0% (Q1/19: -3.4%), given continuing phasing effects, some delays in the international project business as well as working capital build-ups.

Since it is too early to reliably assess and quantify the positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fresenius Vamed maintains its 2020 outlook of expected organic sales2 growth of 4% to 7% and EBIT3 growth of 5% to 9% in constant currency, excluding any effects from COVID-19.

1 Net income attributable to shareholders of VAMED AG

2 FY/19 base: €2,206 million

3 FY/19 base: €134 million


Conference Call

As part of the publication of the results for Q1 2020, a conference call will be held on May 6, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. CEDT (7:30 a.m. EDT). All investors are cordially invited to follow the conference call in a live broadcast over the Internet at Following the call, a replay will be available on our website.

For additional information on the performance indicators used please refer to our website






This release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Future results could differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements due to certain factors, e.g. changes in business, economic and competitive conditions, regulatory reforms, results of clinical trials, foreign exchange rate fluctuations, uncertainties in litigation or investigative proceedings, and the availability of financing. Fresenius does not undertake any responsibility to update the forward-looking statements in this release.

The information and documents contained on the following pages of this website are for information purposes only. These materials do neither constitute an offer nor an invitation to subscribe to or to purchase securities, nor any investment advice or service, and are not meant to serve as a basis for any kind of obligation, contractual or otherwise. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States of America (“US”) absent registration under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or an exemption from registration. The securities described on the following pages are not offered for sale in the US or to "US persons" (as defined in Regulation S under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended).


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Fresenius today successfully placed bonds with a volume of €750 million. The bonds have a maturity of 7.5 years and an annual coupon of 1.625%. The issue price is 99.021% and the resulting yield amounts to 1.766%.

The proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes, including refinancing of existing financial liabilities.

The bonds were drawn under the Fresenius European Medium Term Note (EMTN) Program and issued by Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA.

Fresenius has applied to the Luxembourg Stock Exchange to admit the bonds to trading on its regulated market.

Fresenius is a global health care group, providing products and services for dialysis, hospital and outpatient medical care. In 2019, Group sales were €35.4 billion. On December 31, 2019, the Fresenius Group had 294,134 employees worldwide.

For more information visit the Company’s website at

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This announcement does not contain or constitute an offer of, or the solicitation of an offer to buy or subscribe for, securities to any person in Australia, Canada, Japan, or the United States of America (the “United States”) or in any jurisdiction to whom or in which such offer or solicitation is unlawful.  The securities referred to herein may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons, absent registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act.  Subject to certain exceptions, the securities referred to herein may not be offered or sold in Australia, Canada or Japan or to, or for the account or benefit of, any national, resident or citizen of Australia, Canada or Japan.  The offer and sale of the securities referred to herein has not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act or under the applicable securities laws of Australia, Canada or Japan.  There will be no public offer of the securities in the United States.

This announcement is an advertisement and not a prospectus. Investors should not purchase or subscribe for any securities referred to in this announcement except on the basis of information in the prospectus to be issued by the company in connection with the offering of such securities. Copies of the prospectus will, following publication, be available free of charge from Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA at Else-Kröner Strasse 1, 61352 Bad Homburg, Germany.

This announcement has been prepared on the basis that any offer of securities in any Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA) will be made pursuant to the prospectus prepared by Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Fresenius Finance Ireland Public Limited Company and Fresenius Finance Ireland II Public Limited Company in combination with the relevant final terms relating to such securities or pursuant to an exemption under Regulation (EU) 1129/2017 (the Prospectus Regulation) from the requirement to publish a prospectus for offers of securities. Neither Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Fresenius Finance Ireland Public Limited Company nor Fresenius Finance Ireland II Public Limited Company have authorized, nor do they authorize, the making of any offer of securities in circumstances in which an obligation arises for Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Fresenius Finance Ireland Public Limited Company and Fresenius Finance Ireland II Public Limited Company or any other person to publish or supplement a prospectus for such offer.

This announcement is directed at and/or for distribution in the United Kingdom only to (i) persons who have professional experience in matters relating to investments falling within article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the “Order”) or (ii) high net worth entities falling within article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order (all such persons are referred to herein as “relevant persons”).  This announcement is directed only at relevant persons.  Any person who is not a relevant person should not act or rely on this announcement or any of its contents.  Any investment or investment activity to which this announcement relates is available only to relevant persons and will be engaged in only with relevant persons.

This announcement contains forward-looking statements that are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Future results could differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements due to certain factors, e.g. changes in business, economic and competitive conditions, regulatory reforms, results of clinical trials, foreign exchange rate fluctuations, uncertainties in litigation or investigative proceedings, and the availability of financing. Neither Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Fresenius Finance Ireland Public Limited Company nor Fresenius Finance Ireland II Public Limited Company undertake any responsibility to update the forward-looking statements in this announcement.


Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA

Registered Office: Bad Homburg, Germany

Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Bad Homburg, HRB 11852

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Gerd Krick


General Partner: Fresenius Management SE

Registered Office: Bad Homburg, Germany

Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Bad Homburg, HRB 11673

Management Board: Stephan Sturm (Chairman), Dr. Francesco De Meo, Rachel Empey, Dr. Jürgen Götz,
Mats Henriksson, Rice Powell, Dr. Ernst Wastler

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Gerd Krick

The information and documents contained on the following pages of this website are for information purposes only. These materials do neither constitute an offer nor an invitation to subscribe to or to purchase securities, nor any investment advice or service, and are not meant to serve as a basis for any kind of obligation, contractual or otherwise. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States of America (“US”) absent registration under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or an exemption from registration. The securities described on the following pages are not offered for sale in the US or to "US persons" (as defined in Regulation S under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended).


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By clicking on the "Accept" button below, you will be deemed to have made this confirmation.


Fresenius today successfully placed bonds with a volume of €750 million. The bonds have a maturity of 7.5 years and an annual coupon of 1.625%. The issue price is 99.021% and the resulting yield amounts to 1.766%.

The proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes, including refinancing of existing financial liabilities.

The bonds were drawn under the Fresenius European Medium Term Note (EMTN) Program and issued by Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA.

Fresenius has applied to the Luxembourg Stock Exchange to admit the bonds to trading on its regulated market.

This announcement does not contain or constitute an offer of, or the solicitation of an offer to buy or subscribe for, securities to any person in Australia, Canada, Japan, or the United States of America (the “United States”) or in any jurisdiction to whom or in which such offer or solicitation is unlawful.  The securities referred to herein may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons, absent registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act.  Subject to certain exceptions, the securities referred to herein may not be offered or sold in Australia, Canada or Japan or to, or for the account or benefit of, any national, resident or citizen of Australia, Canada or Japan.  The offer and sale of the securities referred to herein has not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act or under the applicable securities laws of Australia, Canada or Japan.  There will be no public offer of the securities in the United States.

This announcement is an advertisement and not a prospectus. Investors should not purchase or subscribe for any securities referred to in this announcement except on the basis of information in the prospectus to be issued by the company in connection with the offering of such securities. Copies of the prospectus will, following publication, be available free of charge from Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA at Else-Kröner Strasse 1, 61352 Bad Homburg, Germany.

This announcement has been prepared on the basis that any offer of securities in any Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA) will be made pursuant to the prospectus prepared by Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Fresenius Finance Ireland Public Limited Company and Fresenius Finance Ireland II Public Limited Company in combination with the relevant final terms relating to such securities or pursuant to an exemption under Regulation (EU) 1129/2017 (the Prospectus Regulation) from the requirement to publish a prospectus for offers of securities. Neither Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Fresenius Finance Ireland Public Limited Company nor Fresenius Finance Ireland II Public Limited Company have authorized, nor do they authorize, the making of any offer of securities in circumstances in which an obligation arises for Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Fresenius Finance Ireland Public Limited Company and Fresenius Finance Ireland II Public Limited Company or any other person to publish or supplement a prospectus for such offer.

This announcement is directed at and/or for distribution in the United Kingdom only to (i) persons who have professional experience in matters relating to investments falling within article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the “Order”) or (ii) high net worth entities falling within article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order (all such persons are referred to herein as “relevant persons”).  This announcement is directed only at relevant persons.  Any person who is not a relevant person should not act or rely on this announcement or any of its contents.  Any investment or investment activity to which this announcement relates is available only to relevant persons and will be engaged in only with relevant persons.
This announcement contains forward-looking statements that are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Future results could differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements due to certain factors, e.g. changes in business, economic and competitive conditions, regulatory reforms, results of clinical trials, foreign exchange rate fluctuations, uncertainties in litigation or investigative proceedings, and the availability of financing. Neither Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Fresenius Finance Ireland Public Limited Company nor Fresenius Finance Ireland II Public Limited Company undertake any responsibility to update the forward-looking statements in this announcement.

  • New date will be specified and communicated as soon as reliable planning is possible
  • Health and safety of shareholders and employees is our priority

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA postpones its Annual General Meeting scheduled for 20 May 2020 to a later date within the current financial year. As one of the consequences, this will lead to a postponement of the resolutions regarding the appropriation of net income 2019 and the payout of the dividend. The Company will set and communicate a new date as soon as the conditions for reliable planning and safe execution of the Annual General Meeting are once again in place.

“At present, the primary task is to slow down the spread of the coronavirus and thus to contain it as far as possible. With this decision, we are also supporting this common goal. The health and safety of our shareholders and employees have highest priority,” said Stephan Sturm, CEO of Fresenius.

This release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Future results could differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements due to certain factors, e.g. changes in business, economic and competitive conditions, regulatory reforms, results of clinical trials, foreign exchange rate fluctuations, uncertainties in litigation or investigative proceedings, and the availability of financing. Fresenius does not undertake any responsibility to update the forward-looking statements in this release.

  • New date will be specified and communicated as soon as reliable planning is possible
  • Health and safety of shareholders and employees is our priority

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA postpones its Annual General Meeting scheduled for 20 May 2020 to a later date within the current financial year. As one of the consequences, this will lead to a postponement of the resolutions regarding the appropriation of net income 2019 and the payout of the dividend. The Company will set and communicate a new date as soon as the conditions for reliable planning and safe execution of the Annual General Meeting are once again in place.

“At present, the primary task is to slow down the spread of the coronavirus and thus to contain it as far as possible. With this decision, we are also supporting this common goal. The health and safety of our shareholders and employees have highest priority,” said Stephan Sturm, CEO of Fresenius.

This release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Future results could differ materially from those described in these forward-looking statements due to certain factors, e.g. changes in business, economic and competitive conditions, regulatory reforms, results of clinical trials, foreign exchange rate fluctuations, uncertainties in litigation or investigative proceedings, and the availability of financing. Fresenius does not undertake any responsibility to update the forward-looking statements in this release.

Our Annual Report 2019 is now available as a full-content PDF download and as an online short-version with the highlights. Annual Report (PDF)  Online short-version

Our Annual Report 2019 is now available as a full-content PDF download and as an online short-version with the highlights. Annual Report (PDF)  Online short-version

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