Stories Archive

Video message from Michael Sen
Our new CEO outlines what will be essential for #FutureFresenius.

Doubling up on a second chance
Twin brothers Kilian and Jamie both suffered from a heart weakness. Just three days apart, they each received a transplanted heart at Fresenius Helios.

Midwife, a dream job
After her son was born, Lea Zerbe decided to become a midwife and enrolled in a training program at Helios Mariahilf Hospital in Hamburg

In battle against the coronavirus
Fresenius is taking comprehensive measures to ensure healthcare is available for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Paul, the four-legged therapist
Loyal and sympathetic eyes, soft fur and a wet nose: Paul the therapy dog is the first animal employee of the Fresenius Helios hospital in the northern German city of Hildesheim.

Using protons to take on cancer
Fresenius Helios to open Spain’s first proton beam therapy center.

Ready to help the littlest ones
Some children have to fight for life, right from birth: A day on the Neonatology ward of HELIOS Hospital Schwerin, Germany.

A little heart at the center of a complex surgery
For more than 20 years, Fresenius Helios’ Leipzig Heart Center has been providing highest quality cardiac care – sometimes to very young patients.

’Remain true to your ideals’
On the occasion of his 80th birthday, the Supervisory Board Chairman of Fresenius, Dr. Gerd Krick, agreed to sit down and take some questions from two young colleagues.

Making mistakes to avoid them
Simulating the symptoms of patients in crisis, life-like mannequins help create a high-pressure but highly valuable training opportunity for doctors and nurses at Fresenius Helios.

Crucial lessons learned
Faced with one of the ‘superbugs’ that pose a huge health threat worldwide, Fresenius Helios turned to advanced hygiene management.

Dialysis patient succeeds in giving birth
It is extremely rare for a dialysis patient to give birth, but Jaqueline Sinicyn refused to be deterred by the long odds. Now, she has a beautiful baby.

Returning a hospital to health in Germany
Once municipally owned and deeply in debt, the facility is now thriving as part of Fresenius Helios.

24 hours on the Intensive Care Unit
Round the clock dedication of ICU doctors and nurses can be seen at HELIOS hospital near Berlin.

From the Philippines to Germany was only the start
1972, with Germany beset by a serious shortage of nurses, Florence de Peralta reported to what is now HELIOS Hospital Hünfeld.

Surgeons save woman’s hand after accident on farm
Extreme precision under intense time pressure was essential, and is precisely what surgeons at a HELIOS hospital achieved for the benefit of a woman in serious danger of losing her hand.

“The barriers in people’s minds are the worst”
Cinderella Glücklich has been handicapped since birth. In an interview, the Fresenius intern talked about the challenges she faces in daily life and in finding a job.