September 12, 2018
Paris, France
27th European Academy of Dermatology and Venerology 12.9. - 16.9.2018
Fresenius Helios has opened a new emergency unit at Helios Hospital Leisnig, in the eastern German state of Saxony. It contains four modern examination rooms and a specially equipped reanimation room, which will enable the hospital to provide even better care for its emergency patients, who now number some 10,000 annually. Architecturally optimized for medical processes and procedures, the new emergency unit was built in only 12 months. It required an investment by Fresenius Helios of about €1 million.
Fresenius Helios has opened a new emergency unit at Helios Hospital Leisnig, in the eastern German state of Saxony. It contains four modern examination rooms and a specially equipped reanimation room, which will enable the hospital to provide even better care for its emergency patients, who now number some 10,000 annually. Architecturally optimized for medical processes and procedures, the new emergency unit was built in only 12 months. It required an investment by Fresenius Helios of about €1 million.
September 26, 2018
London, UK
Sanford C. Bernstein – 15th Annual Pan European Strategic Decisions Conference
September 25, 2018
Munich, Germany